Have you burst into tears when you smelled a gluten pizza you cannot eat? That happened to me when my family and I picked up a gluten pizza after I was first diagnosed with celiac disease. Are you feeling sad or mad about not being able to eat the foods you want or the foods you once had? Sometimes we might even feel embarrassed that we have these feelings. The feeling of loss is real for those who are eating gluten free and/or are diagnosed with a disease/condition! And these feelings are normal!
Here are two tips that may help you feel better:
a. Acknowledge, identify, and feel the feelings, and then let them pass through you.
b. Coping with loss is also about realizing that we are beginning a new chapter or a new way of living and eating. It’s about changing our thinking of “I cannot eat any cake.” to “I will buy a gluten-free cake or bake a gluten-free cake and eat that.”
If you need support about your loss of gluten, email me so I can help you get through the loss. Or contact me if you are having other challenges with gluten free living/eating such as getting exposed to gluten and you don’t know how/why.
If you know someone who needs support or help with gluten free living/eating, please let me know or have them contact me. [email protected].