market research

Gluten-Free/Celiac Market Research Questionnaire

Good morning,

It’s a beautiful morning with snow covering the trees here in Vermont!

I am following up on my earlier post about participating in market research. To make things easier for you, I have added a link for a market research questionnaire. All information is confidential, and additionally, it is anonymous unless you provide your name, email address, and phone number. In summary, I am upgrading/improving my coaching program for individuals or families who struggle with digestive issues, brain fog, feeling overwhelmed, or have anxiety with living gluten free or have celiac disease.  I want to make sure the tips/information I’m putting out are best serving you and my audience.  I am just looking to get your honest feedback.

Here is the link to the questionnaire in Google forms:

If you would take the time to complete the survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I am offering a free, 30-minute celiac/gluten-free health coaching session as a thank you.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.